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Yakima WA USCIS Office Reviews

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Yakima WA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 5 / 5
9 Review(s)
Yakima WA Review #18827 on January 26, 2016:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Went in for biometrics had my appointment at 9:00 am but I got there a little early around 8:30 went thru security check they where very friendly got in for biometrics and I got out of there by 8:45

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Yakima WA Review #18008 on October 8, 2015:

Tm and Je

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Review Topic: Other Experience

I had my biometrics on October 6th, 2015. I had a very good experience. They were friendly and fast.

(updated on October 7, 2015)

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Yakima WA Review #15514 on November 2, 2014:

G Walters

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Great Experience, Arrived at office at 845, Got through security no issues, App t was for 9:20. We were called at 902, Very easy Interview, Sworn in and the officer started to ask questions from the file. All very basic questions, All directly from the forms. Nothing out of the ordinary. Only document we were asked to show was the original Birth Certificate. Copy was a bit light, Asked about the wedding, and why no name change. No other documents or photos asked for. We were done and out the door by 9:20. Approved. A very good experience.

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Yakima WA Review #3922 on February 9, 2009:



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Review Topic: Other Experience

Our experience with the local office in Yakima, WA was good. We arrived a little early for my biometrics appointment; went through security without any issues, were called up within five minutes, and then five minutes later we were on our way home. They were so friendly and professional during the whole process of taking my fingerprints and photo.

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